Thursday, August 18, 2016

Hot and Muggy leads to a lazy hiker

I've been so lazy.  Of course, I am still recovering from the worst sunburn of my life.  My legs still look burned, but the pain factor is way down.  I am guessing at least one more major peel is in the works before it's fully healed.

I want to get out and test some new gear I have purchased.  I really like the Amazon Review Trader site as I've received some very deep discounts on great camping gear.  In exchange for the discounts, I have to write a review of the product on Amazon.  Currently, I have about 7 items I need to review.  Too bad I don't get paid to do this LOL  Wouldn't that be a blast!

So, back to things.  I'm lazy.  The summer is hot and humid.  Karate starts back in exactly 2 weeks.  As one of the instructors, this means I have to get somewhat ready to teach Little Dragons again.  I hope we have a good crop of them this year, kids who will love the sport and want to stick with it for years.  We don't charge a lot - just $20 a month so we can cover facility rental, but I feel we give an amazing value for that fee.  I admit I have not practiced all summer.  Between all the usual craziness of summer and getting that sunburn, I just haven't made much time to do kata or technique drills like I should have.

If you remember, the last post I made was all about long term goals and what I aim to accomplish by the time I am 100 years old.  Here are my short term, 1 year goals ....

Learn Bosai Dai
Learn Cat 2
Learn Tsai Kata
Learn Chuck Kata 2
Improve flexibility, strength and endurance

And of course, amidst learning all that, I am going to take out time to go hiking.  I am thinking of planning a 1 day hike along North Bend Rail Trail from West Union to the Salem IGA, maybe in Mid October.  Things are much cooler then, more comfortable, and I should have everything assembled for a day or two on the trail.

My next significant purchase is going to be a Bear Canister - this is a bear proof plastic container to store food and other bear attractive stuff over night.  It is pretty much a requirement just about anywhere in this state.  Not only because of the possibility of bears in any given area, but because of coyotes, raccoons, bobcats, rats, mice and other critters who might want to get in to your food cache.

After getting the Bear Can, I will be figuring out what I need to make my hammock 4 season compatible without spending a 2 week paycheck on an under-quilt and over-quilt.  If I can manage to make my own bottom insulator, then I can use a sleeping bag for a top insulator.  Except for Mid November through the beginning of March, I can get away with a 3 season bag and a fleece bag liner ... so long as I can insulate the backside correctly.

I used to do a lot of winter sports in Wyoming.  I am going to start doing some of that again, here in West Virginia.  Gearing up is just a slow process.  Take my advice, don't get rid of your kit just because you think you will never get back in the wilds.  Just don't do it, it's a trap!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

When I am 100

When I am 100, I will .....

Free climb the Salthe Wall in Yosemitie

Be a Fourteener

Shoot the hardest rapids in a white water kayak      

Do a start to finish through hike of the AT South to North
And the PCT, North to South
And the ADT, East to West

I better get training.  I'm 50 and time flies.  Maybe I'll die before I fulfill these goals .... but I'm going to work on fulfilling them.  I have a lot of work to do to get fit for the pinnacle of performance, developing strength, flexibility and stamina.  One step, one day hike, one boulder scramble at a time.  no day is wasted when spent in the pursuit of God's glory in His creation.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Sunburn Woes

Me with not enough sunscreen for 4 hours on a lake on a partly cloudy day

Sure, it LOOKS like it's only 1st degree here ...
So, remember I said I would blog about the sunburn I got while paddling around on North Bend Lake?  Remember when I said I didn't follow my guide's advice to reapply sunscreen?  Remember when I said I got a really bad sunburn?  Remember when I said I would blog about it soon?  Well now I'm blogging about it, and I will give you fair warning - it is NOT pretty.

The first few days after we got home, I was in severe pain.  My legs were intensely red, my feet and legs were swelling and it was excruciating to even walk.  Moving my feet from being elevated to the floor was enough to make me sick, and standing up was an exercise in determination.

Most definitely this is a second a degree burn.  I took ibuprofen (or Ivy Profin as a friend's child puts it) and Acetaminophen as often as i could get away with it according to the directions on the packages.  I used After Sun Gel liberally on both legs and my arms, which were also quite burned.  And I used cold compresses to reduce the swelling and the burning sensation.

About five days after the burn occurred, the blisters started bopping up.   This one you see on my knee became HUGE.  It spread to an area about the size of my palm and was raised an inch above the rest of the skin. 

Bigger Blisters


And even more blisters

 I had to drain the biggest one on my left leg the night before I was supposed to go back to work.  Even after drainage, the area was raw and swollen.  My right leg was not looking so bad, but you can see the blistered area.

Yeah, so these bandages SUCK!  At least the big oozers are covered

I tried to go to work on Monday, but I was still in bad pain and there was no way I could endure standing up and moving around all day with pants rubbing against my raw and weeping legs.  So I left 20 minutes after I had gone in, after speaking with management, and started the Short Term Medical Leave process. 

I went to the doctor on Tuesday and she prescribed Silvadene for me and said I needed to keep things covered for a few days with loose, non stick dressings.  Since I have not been able to find tube gauze anywhere in a size sufficient to go over my legs, I have had to resort to crappy bandaging.  Today I have abandoned that and I'm just keeping it all open to the air.  Thank you, God, for Silvadene!  And LOA!

No one can accuse me of having pretty legs.
At least the itching is better than the burning
I kind of resemble bubble wrap ...
Wednesday, things were looking a little better and dried out.   But today, I'm getting blisters on top of blisters.  Everything is just popping up all over the place.  It sucks that even my arms are doing the multiple layer of blisters thing. 

I think it's going to be a while in healing entirely.  Right now, I resemble a medium rare piece of steak.

The doctor says I should be good to return to work by Monday.  That's a good thing.  If I still have a job.  After the issue with tendonitis in my left hand two weeks ago and now this, I am sure they are thinking I don't want to work.

Well, God does have this, and the job situation and the healing and everything.  The take away message for this post is WEAR SUNSCREEN.  AT least 30 SPF for broad spectrum and water resistant.  If you take medications that make you more sensitive to the sun, use a stronger sunscreen and cover up - wear a hat, long sleeves and pants  Take my word for it - you do NOT want to suffer through a really bad sunburn.  The pain and lost time at work notwithstanding, your chances of getting skin cancer go way up for every bad burn you get.  And your skin gets more sensitive and prone to burning.  It really isn't worth the risk.  Not when prevention is so easily administered.

Me having the daily DUH moment for my stupidity

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Found on Lost Creek - a renewed dream!


Many years ago, before I had a husband or kids, I used to dream about getting some gear and going backpacking.  Being a college student at the time, it pretty much stayed a dream because I just could not afford all the bells and whistles like a decent sleeping bag or a back pack.  In fact, most of my camping and out door gear most closely resembled the findings at Grogan's War Surplus, of which Patrick McMannus writes so eloquently in his stories LOL!

The day of the big trip!  I feel so OLD with all these youngsters  :P

I decided recently that at the fair age of 50, it was time to start DOING the things I had always just dreamed about.  So I started researching backpacking and hiking trails and state parks in West Virginia.  There is so much in this state it is almost overwhelming!   I thought to myself ... "Self, there's the rail trail that passes really close by here - you could go hiking on that.  I think there's even a park or something associated with it.".  So I looked up North Bend State Park and found out, to my utter delight, that they have a Quest program!  This is a wonderful thing for someone like me, who wants to try something out, but doesn't want to spend all the money for gear if they don't know if it will be something they will continue.

Marina and Jared
I signed up for a quest - and started chatting with Steve, the park superintendent, about planning something for dear daughter and I to try.  I KNEW it had to have backpacking.  And I KNEW it had to have map reading and compass use.  Those were absolutes in my mind.  What Steve and our two guides, Marina and Jared, came up with blew my expectations out of the water!!

North Bend Lake
We arrived on Monday, August 1st, 2016 to the park and found our way to base camp by around 10am.  Marina and Jared had packs, tents, sleeping bags, compasses, and a variety of other things laid out for us to inspect.  We started out with the basics of packing a pack and what things were necessary to take into the woods and took an hour to learn how to pack the packs and adjust them for our backs.  Then we started on the fundamentals of reading USGS maps, what all those symbols mean and how to use a protractor and compass (hint, it's not like the ones you used in math class, folks  :P )

Off we go!

We piled in to a Park Service van and headed to the drop off point on the other side of the lake and from there used our compasses to navigate to our first map coordinates.  Each point on the map that we found had our next way point tucked up in a plastic bottle.

Happy Campers!
Which way do we go?

It was like a treasure map leading us to our camp site.  We came to a gorgeous little spot on Lost Creek just before it runs in to North Bend Lake.  We stopped and had lunch and a demonstration of different types of water filters.  You would not believe how clear this water was!  So beautiful, and it's not a place you can ever get to by car.

Look how clear that water is!  It was deep too, About 2 to 3 feet deep under that stump!  That's where we refilled our water bottles.

Little Brazil

Too much condensation, not enough evaporation  :P
Then, when we were sustained for the last leg of our journey, we started up the hill.  I remember Drag Ass hill from Basic Training on Ft. Jackson, South Carolina ... and it had NOTHING on this hill.  We trudged, we sweated, we condensed, we had too little evaporation of the condensation, we huffed, we puffed ... it was Little Brazil, in Jared's words.

It looks like we go that-a-way

I'd like to introduce you to my leezard friend

There were a lot of very interesting things we saw before we made it to camp, including an Osprey nest on our way to the drop off point, many blue jays and even a few red headed woodpeckers.  Squirrels and deer kept us company and at one point, we even saw a little, bitty lizard.  Marina also caught a tiny toad that hopped across our path.

Osprey Nest on North Bend Lake
So much Nature!  This place really is a gem hidden in the hills of West Virginia.  Did you know that Euelle Gibbons loved this place?
I like this quote from him...

"My love affair with nature is so deep that I am not satisfied with being a mere onlooker, or nature tourist. I crave a more real and meaningful relationship. The spicy teas and tasty delicacies I prepare from wild ingredients are the bread and wine in which I have communion and fellowship with nature, and with the Author of that nature."

Boaters on North Bend Lake.  We were looking forward to our turn the next day

We finally made it to the top, with a view of the lake and a wonderful clearing where we  took off our packs. What a relief it was to get the air flowing over us.  The trail was only around 3 miles, but for this old, fat woman, it was a challenging trek.

Hey, look!  It's camp!
  Setting up camp was easy, everything was on a slope, so we set our tent and sleeping bags up so our heads would be uphill.  We left the rain flies off the tents, trusting that we would would not get rained on in the night.The tent was simple to set up and we decided to pitch right next to Marina as that was the most level area.  Jared had the right idea to hang in his hammock!
Boots and packs OFF!

They don't look so big now!

Maybe the tent could double as a summer bobsled?

Camp Cooking!

Jared brought out his Primus dual gas stove and demonstrated how to set it up and get it lit.  It sounded like an old steam train, it was so loud, but it boiled water really fast.  I liked how compact it was and that the stove bit sat a little ways from the fuel canister.  This differs from Isobutane/Propane mix canister stoves in that those sit on top of the fuel.

Add more sauce!  I think we have enough  :P

Supper was spaghetti and sauce, and a Chicken and potatoes Mountain House meal to share between the 4 of us.  Marina was not so sure about the dehydrated chicken pieces, but once they were re-hydrated, they were pretty good.  The potatoes, we put too much water in them and they turned in to potato soup, but they were still pretty good.  We had the Lord's plenty of spaghetti sauce, as Steve had made sure we took a large plastic canister of Ragu with us LOL!  I think we used about 1/4 of that container.   We were all full and happy after that meal  :D

So sad, even in the woods I am a Facebook junky!

After supper, we had a camp fire and enjoyed watching the wildlife.  There was a dear that would come out in to the clearing a bit above camp.  She would start to graze, look up at us and then go bolting in to the woods.  A few minutes later she would repeat this performance.  I think she did it 4 or 5 times during the course of our evening.  We talked about all the animals we had seen - a wood chuck, several squirrels, all the birds, and we talked about the different trees and plants that could be found in the park.  We talked about nature conservancy, soil science and college.  There is nothing like a campfire under the stars to bond with other human beings! 

I love campfires at night
Finally, it was time to call it a night and head for bed.   Jared had gone to hang the garbage up in a tree and place the Bear Vault canister, where all our food was stored,  well away from camp.
Even though we saw no evidence of them, there are black bears on park property, not to mention raccoons and other varmints that will get in to your stuff, you always want to hang your food at least 10 feet off the ground or put it in a bear can type set up to keep it safe from the critters.

We could see the stars well from our tent and without light pollution, it was quite a display.  We were lulled to sleep by the croaking of tree frogs and the occasional hoot of an owl hunting for their supper.

Still asleep at 7:30 am

Breakfast the next morning was oatmeal and another Mountain House to split between the 4 of us.  The biscuits and gravy was quite good, though it was more like gravy and biscuity dumplings.  We cleaned up camp and headed back down to the little pool in Lost Creek where we met up with Ken and Kathy, rangers at the park, who had brought us kayaks and took our packs. 

Eastern Rose Mallow

We slathered up in sun screen and learned the basics of getting in to a touring canoe without falling on one's face in the water.  It was fun to paddle around in the outlet.  Then we headed out on to the lake.  We went all over, seeing geese and deer and some amazing flowers.  Jared told us that last summer, there was a deer that swam out to the island to give birth to her fawn, so this little baby deer stayed there all summer till it was big enough to swim to the mainland on it's own!

It's around here somewhere!

We paddled to  the dam, a water conservation and flood control project on Lost Creek, and we found a Geocache in the little island in the lake.  There is so much to this park I had never even imagined.  And it is so close by where I live!  I feel like I've neglected a treasure!

Oooh!  Squeaky toys!

And now for something completely different ..... BOATS!

Row, row row row your boat ...

Gently down the stream ....
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily ....

Life is but a dream!


 I should have listened to Marina when she asked if I needed more sunscreen.  ADVICE - if your guides tell you to put on sunscreen, you put on sunscreen.  I ended up with a nasty kayaker's sunburn on the inside of both legs.  Lesson learned! 

(Update) I will blog later about this sunburn and the resulting doctor's visit and medical leave I have taken as a result.   USE SUNSCREEN FOLKS!!

We took the kayaks to the boating ramp and headed back to base camp where we showered and cleaned up, and set up our tents for one more night.  North Bend State Park restaurant made us some yummy box lunches of ham sandwiches, chips, cookies, soda and watermelon.  The sweat bees liked the watermelon too as marina found out when she got stung  :/  Pesky bees!

Demonstrating their base camp bush craft
Oh yum!
That evening, Marina and Jared cooked steak, potatoes, grilled peppers, onions, zucchini and mushrooms over a hot coal base in the fire pit and we enjoyed talking about everything we saw on the lake, and about the Quest program.  Next year, they are considering incorporating climbing in to the program as there are some very nice boulder problems and 1 pitch climbs throughout the park.

This is the second year they have been doing Quest, and there are some great plans to expand the program next year.  With some luck and some good resources to reach out to in the schools and Upward Bound and Envirothon, hopefully this will be a program that the State sees a great deal of value in and continues not only in North Bend, but in all the state parks.
The lodge at North Bend

I highly recommend reaching out to Steve, Marina, Jared, Ken, Kathy and the rest of the great crew at North Bend and scheduling your own Quest.  It was very affordable for dear daughter and I, with the variety of things we did, coming in at under $400 with much education and exposure to new things.  You can build a Quest that suites you for as many or as few days and activities that you want and according to your own pocket book.  They have guided nature hikes, classes in fishing, boats to rent, two camp grounds, a play ground, minature golf ... there is so much here it would take you a month to do it all!  And if camping isn't your thing, there's a lodge where you can rent a room.

 Coming up at the end of August, they will be hosting BOW - Becoming an Outdoor Woman - with many different classes for women 18 years of age and up.  From the web site ...

August 26-28, 2016
Becoming an Outdoors Woman (BOW)

Becoming an Outdoors Woman is a three day, two night event dedicated to instruction about and interpretation of the outdoors and outdoor activities. Becoming an Outdoors Woman (BOW) offers hands-on, outdoor workshops held in a safe, supportive atmosphere with patient, enthusiastic instructors. No experience or special equipment is necessary. BOW is for adult women of all ages and fitness levels.
This weekend, titled BOW-Quest includes instruction and experiencing Survival Skills, Trail Biking, Lake Fishing, Kayaking, Map & Compass and other outdoor based activities, speakers and interaction.  Registration and fee information and classes content are linked below. Advance reservation/registration is required.

I recommend any woman to take advantage of this opportunity to learn and grow in the context of the great outdoors in Wild Wonderful West Virginia!  I recommend any PERSON, man or woman, going to North Bend State Park and taking advantage of all the great outdoor offerings they have for the whole family!

We HAVE to do this again soon!