Thursday, August 18, 2016

Hot and Muggy leads to a lazy hiker

I've been so lazy.  Of course, I am still recovering from the worst sunburn of my life.  My legs still look burned, but the pain factor is way down.  I am guessing at least one more major peel is in the works before it's fully healed.

I want to get out and test some new gear I have purchased.  I really like the Amazon Review Trader site as I've received some very deep discounts on great camping gear.  In exchange for the discounts, I have to write a review of the product on Amazon.  Currently, I have about 7 items I need to review.  Too bad I don't get paid to do this LOL  Wouldn't that be a blast!

So, back to things.  I'm lazy.  The summer is hot and humid.  Karate starts back in exactly 2 weeks.  As one of the instructors, this means I have to get somewhat ready to teach Little Dragons again.  I hope we have a good crop of them this year, kids who will love the sport and want to stick with it for years.  We don't charge a lot - just $20 a month so we can cover facility rental, but I feel we give an amazing value for that fee.  I admit I have not practiced all summer.  Between all the usual craziness of summer and getting that sunburn, I just haven't made much time to do kata or technique drills like I should have.

If you remember, the last post I made was all about long term goals and what I aim to accomplish by the time I am 100 years old.  Here are my short term, 1 year goals ....

Learn Bosai Dai
Learn Cat 2
Learn Tsai Kata
Learn Chuck Kata 2
Improve flexibility, strength and endurance

And of course, amidst learning all that, I am going to take out time to go hiking.  I am thinking of planning a 1 day hike along North Bend Rail Trail from West Union to the Salem IGA, maybe in Mid October.  Things are much cooler then, more comfortable, and I should have everything assembled for a day or two on the trail.

My next significant purchase is going to be a Bear Canister - this is a bear proof plastic container to store food and other bear attractive stuff over night.  It is pretty much a requirement just about anywhere in this state.  Not only because of the possibility of bears in any given area, but because of coyotes, raccoons, bobcats, rats, mice and other critters who might want to get in to your food cache.

After getting the Bear Can, I will be figuring out what I need to make my hammock 4 season compatible without spending a 2 week paycheck on an under-quilt and over-quilt.  If I can manage to make my own bottom insulator, then I can use a sleeping bag for a top insulator.  Except for Mid November through the beginning of March, I can get away with a 3 season bag and a fleece bag liner ... so long as I can insulate the backside correctly.

I used to do a lot of winter sports in Wyoming.  I am going to start doing some of that again, here in West Virginia.  Gearing up is just a slow process.  Take my advice, don't get rid of your kit just because you think you will never get back in the wilds.  Just don't do it, it's a trap!

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